This feature is currently only available for the Little Red Rock Trail. Additional trails will be added at a later date.


The Little Red Rock Trail

Current Number of Bikes Available to Rent:

Maximum number of bikes = 55

This data is updated in real-time as bikes are rented and returned to the station to reflect the current number of bikes that are currently not in use and are therefore available to rent.

For more information about the Little Red Rock Trail, please click HERE .

Planning a trip?

Use the following information to help determine the potential number of bikes that might be available at a particular time.

Data collected from the past 2 years is summarized below. Each chart compares the number of bikes that were rented on each day since January 1, 2019 against a factor that influences bike availability: season, month, day of the week, hour, temperature, etc.

To ensure that relevant trends are reflected here, this data is refreshed on the 1st of every month to include data from the previous month.


Interested in seeing the potential number of bikes that may be available to rent at a certain hour on a future day?

Red Bike Adventures has created a machine learning model from the historical bike rental data to provide predictions of 60% accuracy to help future adventurists plan for fun.

Disclaimer: actual bike availability may differ significantly from the predictions provided.