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On which future day are you interested in viewing possible bike availability?

Please click "View Predictions" to see an estimate of how many bikes may be rented during each hour on the day chosen above.

The more bikes that are rented, fewer number of bikes will be available to rent.

Please pick an hour on the day chosen above that you are interested in seeing possible bike availability, and a possible temperature for that day.

To see how the temperature chosen above affects bike availability at every hour of the day picked above, please click "View Predictions." This shows a 60% chance of how many bikes will be rented at each hour if the temperature is the temperature of your choice.

Please click "View Predictions" to see how varying temperatures will affect bike availability on the day and hour chosen above.

Are you interested in viewing the data and machine learning model that were used to provide these predictions? Clicking the link below will take you to the Jupyter Notebook that was used to analyze the data and provide this information. Please feel free to interact with the data in the Juptyter Notebook on your own as you please! If you are able to create a model with accuracy greater than 60%, let us know by calling or emailing us and your next adventure will be on us :)

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